Signing up, creating, and integrating your community

New to Threado? Create your account, and integrate your community platform.

Priyanshu Anand avatar
Written by Priyanshu Anand
Updated over a week ago

Step 1. Open to Login or Signup.

If you're creating your account for the first time, you'll be sent a verification email and when you verify you account, you'll be redirected to the following page -

You'll have to add information such as Company name, Community name, Community platform, and Community size.

Click on Next to integrate your community.

Threado gives you options to integrate Slack, Discord, Twitter, Github, and Discourse communities. Depending on whichever platform your community is hosted, click on the Add Integration button corresponding to that option.

For this example, let’s connect to a Slack Community.

You’ll be redirected to Slack where you will have to give permission to integrate Threado with your Slack workspace.

📌 Note - you will need permission to add apps to your workspace to complete this step. If you are unable to add, please request your workspace owner or admin to allow you to add apps from Slack's workspace settings page.

Once you Allow permission for integration, you will be redirected to the Community Dashboard under Settings on the Threado app. All your community Public channels will be automatically listed and from now onwards, any changes made to your community will be synced on the dashboard.

Congratulations, you’ve successfully integrated your community platform with Threado.

You can integrate with all 5 available platforms simultaneously. If you have communities on other platforms, integrate them here following the same process as shown in this doc.

Create Community lets you add another workspace on the Threado dashboard and you can add unlimited workspaces/communities. Follow this exact same process if you wish to do so.

There are two ways to navigate or toggle between the communities you’ve created -

  1. When you log in again to the Threado app, you’ll see an option to choose which community you would like to see the dashboard for.

  2. Click on the first button on the bottom-left corner of the dashboard. From the drop-down displaying the list of all communities you’ve created, select the one you wish to switch to.

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