Applying filters and responding to messages

How you can apply filters on the Activities dashboard

Priyanshu Anand avatar
Written by Priyanshu Anand
Updated over a week ago

Applying filters

Applying filters on the Activities feed is similar to that on the Members dashboard. There are 3 different types of filters you can use to narrow down the messages posted in your community:

  • Filters based on message properties i.e. whether the message is a question or not, whether the message has replies to it or not, are certain keywords being used in the message, etc.

  • Filters based on member attributes like their name, email, tag, level or activity, and when did they join the community.

  • Filters based on platforms or the channel on which it was posted.

You can apply a combination of filters to narrow down on the messages posted. For example -

  • Apply the filter Is question > Yes.

  • Set the Joined Date to Last 30 days.

This will give you all the questions that were posted in the community by members who joined in the last month.

Using and saving custom views

You can also use custom view to save time having to apply the same filters every time. A default filter Queries with no replies can be found under default views. This filter gives you a list of all the questions that were posted in the past month and have not yet received a reply.

You can also save custom views of your own. Simply add a list of filters you want and click on Save view. Give an appropriate name of your choice and this view will show up under Custom views on your left side panel. Click on this to apply the saved filters.

Responding to messages

Replying to a message is fairly simple. Click on the Reply button below whichever message you want to send a reply to. This opens up a text editor for you to draft your message and send it directly from Threado's dashboard providing a hassle-free experience.

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