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How to install your AI bot on a website or webapp

Learn how you can embed the bot on a website/webapp or as a chat widget to provide better and easier support.

Pramod Rao avatar
Written by Pramod Rao
Updated over a week ago

Navigate to the Web tab on the Installation page.

πŸ“Œ Note: You can also choose to send the instructions to your tech or engineering team to do the same via email.

How to install the bot as a chat widget

Simply Copy and paste the given code in the <body> tag on pages where you want the Threado AI widget to show up.

After you've published the page, the chat widget would look something like this -

How to add the bot as a chat embed

Step 1: Copy and paste the given code in the <body> tag on pages where you want to embed the Threado AI bot.

Step 2: Add the following element to your webpage, this is the container where the embed will load.

<div id="threado-embed"></div>

After you've published the page, the chat embed would look something like this -

Identify existing users

For identifying existing users, you can call the following function on the widget install page after the widget loads to identify logged-in users -

_hw('userBoot', { userDetails: { email: USER_EMAIL, name: USER_NAME, userId: USER_ID }});


  • userId is a unique user_ID

  • email is user's email

  • name is the user's name

πŸ“Œ Note: Email is the only necessary field.

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