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How to install the bot on your Discord community

Learn how you can install your AI bot on your Discord channels

Pramod Rao avatar
Written by Pramod Rao
Updated over a week ago

Install a bot on your Discord community

Same for Discord, if you've already your Discord server to train the bot on community conversations, you can directly select which channel(s) would you like the bot to be installed on.

Otherwise, click Connect which will redirect you to the Discord authorization page. Select your Discord Server from the drop-down and click "Continue". Next, click "Authorize".

You will be redirected to the Install tab on Threado where you can now select which channel(s) you would like the bot to be active on.

Click on Activate.

On whichever channels you select from the drop-down, the bot will automatically respond to queries.

πŸ“Œ Note: To remove a bot from a channel, simply remove that channel from this drop-down and the bot will no longer be active there.

How the bot responds in the community?

After you've activated the bot on selected channels in the community, the bot will start responding to queries posted by community folks.

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