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Get a bird's-eye view of what's happening in your community

The A-to-Zs of your community all distilled down to the most important metrics to give you quick and effective insights

Priyanshu Anand avatar
Written by Priyanshu Anand
Updated over a week ago

The Summary page gives you an overview of your entire community in terms of engagement across all platforms in a given date range. It has been designed to give, at a glance, a recap of your community’s performance along with the ability to identify the champions in your community and acknowledge the contributions of some of the most active members. You can also send a direct message to new members and engage them from here without having to go on Slack.

Community Analytics Summary

The first part of the dashboard recounts all the significant updates from the community depending on the selected Date Range. By default, the data displayed is for the Last 7 days but you can switch to view data for the Last 30 days or define a Custom Date Range.

Toggle between Community Platforms to view each data accordingly. If you don’t see multiple platforms to toggle between, head over to Settings and integrate multiple platforms into the dashboard. As of now, Threado has options to integrate with Slack, Discord, Discourse, Github, and Twitter.

Data for Total members, New members, Messages posted, Reactions added, etc. are also accompanied by their growth rates on the right-hand side. Depending on what date range has been selected, the growth rate displayed is made with the same preceding timespan. Needless to say, green and red represent improvement and decline for each metric respectively.

📌 Note: For Twitter, you’ll see metrics like Total members, Retweets, Mentions, etc.

You can click on View Engagement Analytics to deep dive into some of the metrics further.

Top Contributors

The next section displays the list of the Top 5 most helpful contributors in your community in the selected time period.

👉 The metric that decides the most helpful contributors is based on members' replies in the community and reactions to those replies. Community admins are not included in this.

Read more about how engagement scores are calculated using Threado.

You can personally send each of them a direct message, thanking them for their contributions to the community. Click on Send a Message next to each member and send them a direct message on the platform of your choice.

📌 Note: Toggle between integrations i.e. Slack, Discord, etc. to choose which platform you want the message to be sent on.

You can also acknowledge their contributions by posting a shoutout for everyone else to see in the community. Click on Share and a panel opens on the right side. Select the community platform, and channels where the message will be posted, and modify the message, if needed.

📌 Note: You can also select multiple channels while sending the message out to the community. Simply keep clicking on all the channels of your choice and click on them again to remove them.

Most engaging

Similar to the previous section, this one displays the Top 5 contributors who sparked the most engaging discussions in the community.

📌 Note: The metric that decides the most engaging discussions is based on which member made the most posts and received the most replies and reactions to their posts.

You can perform the same actions here as well. Send a Message to these top contributors and Share it on channels to let people know about it.

Inactive new members

This section of the Summary dashboard shows all the new members who haven’t yet interacted in the community.

You can send them a personalized direct message and nudge them towards posting their first message and being more active in the community.

Top messages

The top messages section shows the top 5 most popular messages in the community in the given time range. The popularity of a message is based on replies and reactions received on those messages.

The best part of this is that you can click on any message and will be redirected to it on whichever platform the message was posted on. For example: if you're viewing top messages for your Slack community, clicking on the message will take you to it on that Slack community.

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