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How to connect your Slack account with Threado

Why is it important for connecting your Slack account and how can you do it.

Pramod Rao avatar
Written by Pramod Rao
Updated over a week ago

Before you get into how you can connect your personal Slack account with Threado's dashboard, let's understand what happens if you don't

Threado has some important features like sending personalized DMs (Bulk Message), and automated workflows. To improve your own community experience, these features work best if you add a personalized touch to those messaging flows.

If you don't connect your Slack account with Threado, all messages would by default be sent from the Threado Bot that's automatically installed when you integrate Threado with your Slack community. You won't be able to send messages from your personal account as long as you don't connect your personal account too.

Now that we've cleared the 'why' part, let's look at the 'how' part.

Head over to the Menu options on Threado's dashboard.

You'll see the Connect Slack button under Slack integration.

Click on that and you will be prompted to Allow permission to connect your personal Slack account with Threado.

Click on Allow and then you'll be redirected back to Threado app with your account successfully connected.

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