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How to use and work with workflow automation templates

Use pre-defined templates included with messaging and setup automated workflows in no time.

Priyanshu Anand avatar
Written by Priyanshu Anand
Updated over a week ago

When you're just getting started with automation on Threado's dashboard, you might not entirely know what you have to do, or what should you begin with.

This is exactly why we have a few templates to help you start setting up workflows and take your community engagement/activation strategies to the next level.

This guide talks about how you can start using workflows simply by using our well-handcrafted templates.

Getting started

Go to the Automations dashboard on Threado.

Within a scroll, you will be able to see all the templates we've prepared for you.

The templates can be filtered in two ways -

  • Categories - By default, templates are shown for All categories but you can choose to filter using specific categories. Available ones are: Onboard, Engage, Re-engage, and Survey.

  • Platform - By default, templates will be shown for all platforms i.e. Slack, Discord, and Discourse. From the drop-down, you can choose to filter only those platforms for which you want to see the templates. For example - if your community is on Slack, select it from the drop-down and unselect/remove the others.

πŸ“Œ Note: The platform for each template is also depicted on the template itself with its logo.

Templates - Details and how to use

Hovering over the template gives you two choices - Preview and Use template.

You can preview the template to see details before you use it, or you can directly use the template which will take you to the workflow.

Or, you can also directly click on a template to preview it πŸ‘‡

The preview of the template will give you the following information -

  • A short description of the template and what it's about.

  • A view of the workflow itself and what it looks like.

  • A detailed description of all the steps involved in the workflow, what triggers are used, and what actions have been set.

If you wish to use a template, simply click on Use template and it will get duplicated for you.

You will be re-directed to the workflow where you can make changes to the conditions and update the messaging.

After you've made changes according to your needs, you can take the workflow live by clicking on the Activate button.

And that's it!

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