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How to setup automated Slack alerts

Learn how to setup a Slack alert using automations and get notified for various community events across channels.

Pramod Rao avatar
Written by Pramod Rao
Updated over a week ago

Slack alerts are the new and improved way to cut through the noise and stay on top of everything in your community that's important to you. You can trigger automated alerts through workflows and get notified for different use cases.

How to connect your internal workspace and setup an alert

You can connect your internal Slack workspace to have better collaboration and visibility about what going on in your community.

Create a new workflow, add in the trigger condition, and choose 'Get Slack Alert' as the action block.

You will see an option to Connect Internal Slack. Selecting this option will redirect you to the Slack authorization page and allow access.

πŸ“Œ Note: Threado does not read your internal Slack workspace data and only gets access to the channels to be able to send alerts.

Once you authorize access, you will be able to select your internal workspace from the drop-down.

How to setup an alert for a specific keyword

Navigate to the Automations dashboard on your workspace and create a new workflow.

You can setup a workflow based on 3 scenarios - when a new member joins, when a message is posted, or based on custom member filters i.e. email, tag, etc.

Since we want to trigger a Slack alert for specific keywords, we will setup the trigger based on the message posted.

From the drop-down select Keywords as the filter criteria and type in the keyword for which you'd like to get alerted. For example - if you've recently launched a new pricing plan for your product and want to be alerted when someone has a question about it, add 'pricing' as the target keyword.

Now, to set up the alert, select the Get Slack Alert block from the list of available blocks.

To get notified, select the workspace on which you'd want the alerts. Here, you have two options -

  • Select your internal Slack workspace to have better collaboration and visibility.

  • Get alerts on your community workspace.

Click on Connect Internal Slack or Connect Now to setup alerts on your internal workspace. After you've integrated your internal workspace, go back to the automation and select 'Your community's Slack' from the drop-down.

Next, from the drop-down, select the channel from which you'd want the message to be sent.

You can customize the message you want to receive as a notification. Select Insert fields to choose one of the variables and draft your message with it.

Here's a message you can use for an alert that tells you the member who used the defined keyword on a specific channel.

Save and then Activate this workflow to start getting alerts whenever a member uses that keyword in your community.

How to setup an alert for posts from members with specific tags

Create a new automation and set the trigger condition to get alerted when a member with a specific tag posts something in the community. For example - if you've tagged members as 'superusers' and you set this tag as the trigger condition, you will receive alerts whenever someone with this tag posts something.

Now, setup the Slack alert to get triggered whenever a member with this tag posts anything in the community.

Use templates for all use cases

You can use templates for various use cases to start setting up alerts and ensure that you're always on top of your community.

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