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How to use Outreach to send and schedule email campaigns

Outreach by Threado lets you reach out to your community through email campaigns. Learn how to setup and measure impact.

Priyanshu Anand avatar
Written by Priyanshu Anand
Updated over a week ago

Navigate to the Outreach dashboard. Click on Create Message which will open a drop-down, and then select Email.

The name by default is given as 'Untitled email campaign'. Edit this to give your campaign an appropriate name.


A new email campaign will be created and you will be redirected to the Setup page of the campaign.

πŸ“Œ Note: By default, your signed-up email address will be automatically taken for the Send From and Reply To fields. But to be able to send emails, you'll need to add and verify your domain as well as your email from the Settings dashboard. Check out this help article for more details.

  • Send From: Select from the drop-down from which account would you like the email to be sent. Only verified emails will be displayed here.

  • Reply To: Select from the drop-down the email address to which the replies would be sent. You can add multiple addresses here.

  • Send To: Use filters to narrow down the members to who you want to send the email. For example, if you only want to send the email to active users, select the Active filter from the drop-down and define the date range. All the members who match the condition will automatically be targeted.

  • Subject: Add the subject line for your email. You can also add Emojis and Member Attributes like - first name, last name, and user name.

Click on Content to start drafting your email.


This is the visual builder where you can draft your email using various elements and placeholders.

Clicking on the empty space will give you 2 options -

  • Add a new element by clicking on the '+' sign or by pressing Tab to see a drop-down of elements to choose from.

  • The tune option lets you edit that block. You can use emojis, shift the block up or down, and delete it.

If you have an existing template, click Insert Template to choose from the list and add it to the builder. Check out this guide to learn more about templates.

πŸ“Œ Note: The footer is added by default here and the details are taken as they've been defined on the Company page. You can edit it from the Company page or click on the edit icon on the right side of the footer.

What are the different types of elements you can use?

  • Text: This is also the default element on the visual builder. To write plain text, use the text element.

  • Heading 1: Use this to add the top heading or Header 1 of your email.

  • Heading 2: Use this to add a sub-heading or 2nd heading in your email.

  • Divider: Use this to separate two sections.

  • Ordered list: Use this to add a numbered list.

  • Unordered list: Use this to add a bulleted list.

  • Button: Use this to add a CTA to your email. The button element further opens up 4 other fields:-

    • Button color: Define the color of your button using hex code (eg: #000000)

    • Button text: Add text for the CTA.

    • Text color: Define the color of the text using hex code (eg: #ffffff)

    • Link URL: Add the destination URL for your button.

  • Image: Use this to add an image element to your email.

Save as template: After you've drafted an email, you can save it as a template for future use. For use cases like - sending appreciation emails, newsletters, weekly updates, etc., you can directly use your saved template.

Test Email: Send this email to yourself and your teammates to make sure everything from formatting to content is good to go.

Click on Review to get a final overview of the email


Review gives you a preview of the entire email before you send it out. If there are any changes to be made, you can toggle between Setup and Content to update the same and then come back to this section.

For sending an email, you have 2 options:

  • Send Later: Select this option if you want to schedule the email for later and not send it right away. Clicking on this will open another dialog box asking you to define the date and time when you want this email to be sent. Click on Schedule when you're done.

  • Send: Click on send if you want the email to be sent right away.

Measuring the impact of email campaigns

After you've sent out an email you can measure the impact of it through numbers like - total emails sent, opened rate, clicked rate, issues, and engaged.

πŸ“Œ Note: Engaged shows the percentage of people who posted/reacted in the community within 30 days of receiving an outreach communication through email.

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