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How to send or schedule Slack outreach from Threado

Learn how to use the Slack outreach feature and send or schedule messages as DMs or directly to channels.

Priyanshu Anand avatar
Written by Priyanshu Anand
Updated over a week ago

Navigate to the Outreach dashboard. Click on Create Message which will open a drop-down, and then select Slack.

The name by default is given as 'Untitled email campaign'. Edit this to give your campaign an appropriate name.

πŸ“Œ Note: You must connect your personal Slack account to be able to send messages to your Slack community.


A new Slack outreach will be created and you will be redirected to the Setup page of the message.

  • Send from: Select from the drop-down the account of the person from which you'd like the message to be sent.

  • Send As: You can choose to send it as a direct message in which case you'll have to define filters to create a custom cohort, or, you can send it in a channel or multiple channels.


This is a visual builder where you can draft your message using text blocks, lists, images, and code blocks.

πŸ“Œ Note: Use @ for mentions and # for channels.

If you have an existing template, click Insert Template to choose from the list and add it to the builder

Save as template: After you've drafted the message you can save it as a template and use it again later. Repetitive posts like updates, job descriptions, etc, can to templatized.

Test Message: You can send the message to yourself to make sure everything is alright. Note that you have to connect your personal Slack account to be able to send test messages.

Click on Review to get a final overview of the message.


Review gives you a preview of the entire message before you send it out. If there are any changes to be made, you can toggle between Setup and Content to update the same and then come back to this section.

For sending a Slack outreach, you have 2 options:

  • Send Later: Select this option if you want to schedule the message for later and not send it right away. Clicking on this will open another dialog box asking you to define the date and time when you want the message to be sent. Click on Schedule when you're done.

  • Send: Click on send if you want the email to be sent right away.


Finally, measure the impact of your outreach if you've sent it to channels by checking out how many reactions it got.

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