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Members who have been inactive since they joined

A template for identifying members in your community who have been inactive since they joined

Pramod Rao avatar
Written by Pramod Rao
Updated over a week ago

Some members join a community and choose to remain lurkers, silently observing what's going on but not really participating.

You need to be able to identify these members and try to activate or motivate them toward engaging in the community.

How you can figure out which members who recently became a part of your community didn't quite interact is by filtering members by the date they joined and checking for inactivity in the same date range.

First, we'll set the Joined Date filter to Last 30 days -

Next, we'll add another to see Inactive members in the Last 30 days -

What you get is a group of members who joined your community in the last month and haven't been active since.

You can choose to send activation Bulk Messages, Tag Them for easier referencing and even use that for setting up a Targeted Automation Workflow.

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