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What are the different blocks you can use to perform actions?

After an automation is triggered you need to follow it up with actions, and these actions work with what are called blocks.

Priyanshu Anand avatar
Written by Priyanshu Anand
Updated over a week ago

Blocks are what define automated workflows. By logically putting blocks together, you can create a vast variety of workflows, gradually helping you automate more and more of your community-building process.

In this guide, we go through each of these blocks, what purpose they serve, and how you can use them.

Popular blocks


Delay can be used most optimally to hold off action for a set time period. For example - when a new member joins, you might want to give them 10-15 minutes before you send them a direct message. This is where the delay feature takes the wheel. In fact, we've shown how you set up a member onboarding workflow as your first automation.

You can set delays in Minute(s), Hour(s), or Day(s). Choose whichever one best suits your workflow use case and set a number.

Send a Slack DM

One of the primary actions you can perform is to send a Slack DM. As the name suggests, when automation is triggered or a condition is met, a Slack message is automatically sent to the targeted member(s).

While setting up a Slack DM, you’ll have to fill in the following information -

  • Send From - From the drop-down select which account should the message go from. You can also choose to send it from the Threado app and if you haven’t connected your Slack account with Threado, by default, the message is sent from the Threado app.

  • Specify Message - Type in your message. You can use placeholders for first name, last name, and user name which will be replaced when a member receives the message in their inbox.

  • Test Message - You can test out this message to see how it would look in someone’s inbox. Testing a message means you’ll receive this as a DM to you.

Slack DMs are a great way to set up personalized campaigns and use targeted messaging to communicate more intimately with members. One of the use cases of automated Slack DMs is activating dormant users in your community.

Send a Discord DM

It's the same as Slack DM except that this is for Discord.

📌 Note: You can’t Send a Discord DM from a personal account and it can only be done using the Community Admin bot.

Send a Discourse DM

Again a Discourse DM works in the same way a Slack or Discord DM works. The only additional field here is the Title field to add a title for your message.

Collect Response via Slack buttons

This action is for conducting surveys in your Slack community. You can set up a survey to go off when the automation is triggered and all targeted members receive this survey in their inbox. It’s similar to sending a DM but in this case, you define values for each button and the responses received from the members get stored on Threado’s dashboard.

While setting this up, you’ll have to define -

  • Survey Name - Set a name for the survey.

  • Send From - From the drop-down select which account should the message go from. You can send it from an admin account for better credibility or even use the Threado Slack app.

  • Question - Put down the question for your survey.

  • List of buttons to be shown - Customize each button to a response of your choice. You can Add a Button to add more options depending on your survey.

📌 Note: You can view the responses on the Members CRM. On the dashboard go to Filters → select Survey Results → pick the survey from the list of conducted surveys choose the response Apply this filter. You will be able to see all members who responded with the filter you’ve selected.

Learn how you can set up an NPS survey for your community in a few easy steps.

Collect Response via Discord buttons

Everything is the same as how you conduct a survey for Slack except that you won’t be able to send this survey from a personal account and only from the Community Admin bot.

Add Tag

As an action to an automation trigger, you can automate tagging for members in your community. For example - you can set up a condition that filters Level 3 members who have been active in the last 7 days and tag them as ‘Most active’ using an automation workflow.

Simply select the Tag(s) from the drop-down or you can create a new one by typing it out.

Automated tagging can make the process of identifying members significantly more efficient. Use tags to easily and automatically create custom member cohorts and leverage a deeper understanding of your community.

Advanced blocks


Use this block if you wish to add a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ condition in your workflow. As a result, the workflow will get split into two possibilities and if the condition that you’ve set is satisfied i.e. the ‘Yes’ condition is met then the workflow moves towards the action that follows this condition. Otherwise, it moves in the other direction.

Set up the following -

  • Choose a parameter - From the drop-down select what the condition for the split should be. Here again, you have 3 options -

    • A member has posted, replied to, or reacted to a message.

    • A member has only posted a message.

    • A member has only posted a reaction.

  • Apply condition - Depending on what parameter you’ve set, the condition also has 3 options to choose from -

    • Greater than - if a member has posted, replied, or reacted to a message more than the number you’ve set.

    • Equal to - if a member has posted, replied, or reacted to a message equal to the number you’ve set.

    • Less than - if a member has posted, replied, or reacted to a message ****is less than the number you’ve set.

📌 Note: We’ve covered how you can effectively use Split conditions in your workflows in our guide to Setting up your first automation workflow for onboarding new members.

Collect free-text responses from Slack

This is also for conducting surveys but in this case, the response is free text and therefore is not recorded on Threado’s dashboard. You can think of this as a Slack DM to members and you can revisit their answers directly on Slack.

Add the Survey Name, Sender, and add in your Question. Naturally, there is no button here since it’s a free text response.

Remove tag

How you add tags to members is also how you can remove tags from them. Using the same example as we used for the Add Tag block, if say a Level 3 member hasn’t been active in the Last 7 days, we can set up an automation workflow to remove the ‘Most Active’ tag from their name.

Select a tag from the drop-down. Note that you cannot create a new tag in this case because you cannot remove a tag that hasn’t already been created. So, the only option here is to choose an existing tag.

📌 Note: See how you can set up an automation workflow to add and remove tags from members.

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